Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love letter to Liam - month 5

video to come!

Dear Liam,

Happy 5 months and Happy First Thanksgiving! Last year at this time, you were the reason I was maxing out my daily Tums intake, and now, here you are...ready to sit at the table with us and eat your own Thanksgiving meal (pureed sweet potatoes...not as fun as stuffing and cranberry sauce, but a definite step up from your liquid diet of the past several months). You have been loving mealtimes, but I think what you love most about it is your new vantage point in your chair in the kitchen. You watch Billie circling you (waiting for you or me to drop some bananas, carrots, or sweet potatoes), you try to grab anything within 2 feet of you, and you can see your feet, which are apparently more appetizing than your food sometimes.
You've started cooing and babbling all the time now - it's particularly sweet in the morning, when you wake up a little before schedule, but seem fine with lying in your crib and conversing with yourself. Your voice is so sweet that I don't miss not listening to the news in the morning (also the news of late is pretty frustrating...remind me to tell you about the protests around the country and the crazy presidential candidates....also the world financial system in turmoil. Fun stuff). You like to grab our faces and look in our eyes, and expound. We have no idea what you're saying, and the whole thing is kind of painful, since you have no qualms grabbing/pinching eyebrows, cheeks, noses etc. in your small but strong fingers, but we let you do it anyway.
You are the best thing ever, little man. There are many things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving, and you are at the top of the list (followed closely by Tristan Dolik and Billie Holiday).
all my love, your mom

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