Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love letter to Liam - month 3

To my favorite 3-month old in the universe:
holy neck control Batman! This has been the month of your figuring out how to hold your massive (for your body) head up on your tiny little neck. You're impressively good at it now, so much so that your father and I affectionately call you our meerkat for the way you hold your head up and look all about when you're being held on our shoulders. When you're tired, you still can't stop taking in your surroundings, but either your head is heavier or your neck is more get a little bobble-headed then :).
We are filling your little bobble-head with all kinds of useful stuff...woodworking videos, Radiolab, Planet Money, how to vacuum/do the dishes/make the bed, pancake and pizza making (with extensive discussions about flour types and rising agents) and how to use an ATM. I doubt you'll remember any of it, but for now you appear to be entertained and that's all we can ask.
Love to you, little meerkat, from your mom.

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