To our precious little monster,
This seventh month of your life has been a roller coaster of change. You've cut FOUR new teeth in 4 weeks, and we all have the bags under our eyes to show for it! Your smile is that much more charming with the new additions, and we value your good mood even more than before, armed with the experience of how cranky you can be! You've started eating finger foods like roasted carrots and cheerios now that you have more teeth to chew these things with, which is exciting. Less exciting is the fact that you've already learned to feed Billie from your high chair. Someone might have to hang out in her crate at mealtimes from now on, hmm?
You've gotten incredibly strong this past month - you sit up and lean to and fro without toppling over too much. You're thisclose to crawling - just working on figuring out how to coordinate your arms with your legs. For now, you roll all over the place, and for some reason, the place you most want to roll to is towards Billie's crate and the fireplace. We're going to have to get serious about this childproofing pretty darn soon.
In other news, you're starting to smell more like a person and less like a sweet baby. This must be because you're eating more and more different kinds of food, including lamb and chicken. Just the other day we went to nom on your chunky toes, and stopped short because your feet smell FEET. Who said that was okay?
This month we bid Bon Voyage to your amazing caregiver, and our friend, Amy. She has been such an incredible addition to our lives - showering you with love and laughter, exploring the Shedd, the Art Institute, the Lincoln Park Zoo, Andersonville, and our neighborhood with you, and generally giving us so much peace of mind when we leave you in her capable hands. We are all going to miss her so much while she's gone, and plan to keep in touch with her while she's abroad. She'll be another addition to the list of family and friends we FaceTime and Skype!
Change is hard, little man, but it leads to new things and people and experiences! We have solid food to look forward to! And walking! And a whole host of other things. As long as we have each other, we can get through anything, even new teeth.
your adoring parents, Mom and Dad
More photos from this month: